Companies in Mount Druitt, Australia

List of companies in Mount Druitt NSW: find addresses, phone numbers, email, social networks, photos, customer reviews and more.

New reviews

    Onel Benjamin Added June 14, 2018
    Great prices and good clothes to choose from
    Review of Cotton On Mega
    Tammy Venturini Added June 07, 2018
    Went to get my hair done yesterday management/owner was so rude. Last time i went there they turned my hair gray. Will never go back. Yesterday the ma...
    Review of Blondes & Brunettes
    James Tony Added May 30, 2018
    Good shop
    Review of Foot Locker Mt Druitt

Weather in Mount Druitt NSW

January 22, 2018

January 22, 2018 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00
Temperature 20 18 17 21 30
Pressure hPa 991 hPa 990 hPa 989 hPa 990 hPa 990 hPa
Humidity % 51 % 72 % 83 % 85 % 59 %
Wind speed m/s 2 m/s 2 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s

January 23, 2018

January 23, 2018 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00
Temperature 37 30 23 21 20 19 21 25
Pressure hPa 988 hPa 988 hPa 990 hPa 990 hPa 989 hPa 989 hPa 991 hPa 991 hPa
Humidity % 32 % 52 % 78 % 82 % 89 % 91 % 86 % 78 %
Wind speed m/s 1 m/s 2 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s

January 24, 2018

January 24, 2018 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00
Temperature 28 29 26 23 22 21 23 27
Pressure hPa 990 hPa 990 hPa 990 hPa 991 hPa 990 hPa 989 hPa 990 hPa 991 hPa
Humidity % 67 % 61 % 69 % 82 % 86 % 89 % 84 % 74 %
Wind speed m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s

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